Top 10 Girlfriend Getaways in Indiana’s Cool North

Fall is the perfect time to get the girlfriends together for a getaway. Whether you only have time to enjoy an evening together or plan a weekend excursion, northern Indiana has a place for you. You're an active group? Take on a Dunes challenge! Enjoy sipping wine? We have wineries! Shopping? Casinos? Yes to all! Check out our ideas for your next getaway!  

Map for Fall Colors

Map for Fall Colors

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  1. Kercher’s Sunrise Orchard
  2. Wakarusa Pumpkin Tree
  3. Heritage Trail
  4. Soldiers Memorial Park
  5. LaPorte County Parks
  6. Friendship Botanic Gardens
  7. Highway 12
  8. Bailly Homestead and Chellberg Farm
  9. Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area – Sandhill Crane Migration
  10. Oak Savannah Trail